Sealcoating & Crack Repair
A protective sealant to guard the surface against all the elements gives the driveway or parking lot a longer life expectancy. When you're looking for professional asphalt sea coating, call Henry The Painter. We have been expert sealcoaters for over 25 years. Asphalt sealcoating not only protects your driveway or a parking lot from damage or everyday wear and tear but also minimizes the potential for cracks. Not only can Henry The Painter provide expert sealcoating services, but we also provide crack repair for residents and businesses in the area.
Call for a Free Quote
(480) 536-6480
Sealcoating & Crack Repair Since 1999
For over 25 years, Henry The Painter has been providing professional and timely sealcoating and crack repair for residential and commercial customers. Ideally, your asphalt surface should be sealcoated every three to five years to make your asphalt last longer. Once an asphalt surface has been properly sealcoated, it is much easier to maintain and safer for family and visitors.
Long-Lasting Results
When Henry The Painter provides a home or commercial location with asphalt sealcoating, we first make sure that the asphalt surface is completely clean before the sealcoating is applied. If there are oil spots or cracks in the asphalt, we will properly treat the oil spots with oil spot primer as well as clean any cracks with compressed air followed by applying crack sealant. Finally, the sealcoating layer is applied generously, avoiding any overspray to grass, walls, walkways, or garage doors.
When you're looking for the best asphalt sealcoating, call (480) 536-6480. Henry The Painter has been providing sealcoating and crack repair in the area since 1999 and provide amazing results to get the job done right!